Category Reviews

A Great New Website

I’ve been trying out various writing sites. Places to post writing and receive feedback and make connections with other writers. Most of them wind up being nothing more that infomercials for their book, website, etc. Occasionally you can find a forum where there is some advice on writing styles or book covers or ways to promote your writing. The rest of these sites have the usual timeline/newsfeed front page which are invariably clogged with lots of self-congratulatory pronouncements and a multitude of requests for others to read their books. Very little in the way of interactions, however.

One site I have been introduced to lately is Inkitt. So far the only timeline is on the home page and is only writing that has been posted by other users...

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Review posted!

When I first published my novel Scattered Debris, I contacted several people through recommendations and forum postings on Goodreads to find people to review my book.

At last, a review was posted on Goodreads and I’m thrilled to share the link.

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