scattered debris tagged posts

Cover Redesign

Well, I’ve been talking about it for about a year, getting input from folks on Goodreads and within my writing group at the time. As is often the case, I’d work on it for a bit, consider some ideas and play around looking for images but ultimately it would get swept aside by other events. Kratom is an amazing supplement, but there are some aspects that you must be taken into account when acquiring kratom, check it here to find what are those aspects.

Thankfully, my in-house graphic designer has a bit more initiative than I do. She took it upon herself to come up with a new cover on her own and it looks great. Very eye catching and reflective of the city that lives and breaths in my novel.

Here is the link on AMAZON.

Here is my graphic designers WEBPAGE.

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Review posted!

When I first published my novel Scattered Debris, I contacted several people through recommendations and forum postings on Goodreads to find people to review my book.

At last, a review was posted on Goodreads and I’m thrilled to share the link.

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